FOR Friends and Family
A new and improved version of YOUR PRIVILEGE IS SHOWING called Perfectly Adequate Human (sold only with a facilitator training program) will be available in 2024. If you want to know when that is available, please get on the MAILING LIST.
Y.P.I.S. AT HOME! is a card game that gives peers the tools to practice recognizing and naming injustice together.
Launched at SXSW in 2019, and fully funded through our indiegogo campaign, Your Privilege Is Showing (Y.P.I.S.) AT HOME!® is designed for social groups to play privately.
A simplified and abbreviated version of the full facilitated workshop, literally for play “at home”, Y.P.I.S. AT HOME! is made for up to 6 players ages 16+, and is never the same game twice. Real-life scenarios are used to prompt challenging discussions related to social equity, oppression, marginalization, and the various types of privilege. Players engage each other's perspectives, delve into their own, and utilize personal knowledge and experience to practice how to have these conversations in progressive and productive ways.